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Digital Entrepreneurship for Adult Youth


This project focuses on the development of new curricula regarding entrepreneurship.

The consortium partners will develop a bespoke on-line entrepreneurship curriculum that specifically focuses on building the knowledge, skills and competences necessary to support young people in order to develop next generation on-line enterprises. 

The curriculum to be developed will help to raise awareness of new on-line business models and the opportunities that these new businesses present to young people today. 

Partners have identified the following list of modules that will comprise the new curriculum: 

  1. introducing on-line entrepreneurship; 

  2. creative thinking, initiative and self-confidence for a successful on-line business; 

  3. generating and evaluating your on-line business idea; 

  4. using ubiquitous social media platforms and networks to test and prototype your new business idea; 

  5. conducting on-line market research and analysing on-line user trends; 

  6. building social media platform awareness; 

  7. developing on-line promotional strategies; 

  8. on-line entrepreneur networking; 

  9. monetising your on-line business; 

  10. managing an on-line business; 

The learning outcomes to be achieved will be outlined in a curriculum framework developed by AISR and this framework will be the constant benchmark for partner work and allow partners to tailor content to suit local cultural and societal values. 

The on-line entrepreneurship curriculum will be delivered in a blended learning format and will comprise approximately 35 hours face-to-face classroom based or workshop based learning and 65 hours of self-directed learning.

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AISR Learning is accredited by the Manipur International University (MIU) to ensure the highest quality of education delivery, and by the International Guild of Hypnotherapy, NLP and 3 Principles for Practitioners and Trainers (IGH3P).  All our courses are accredited and validated by MIU, and internationally recognised. 

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